I was fortunate enough to not have that be my experience with online dating. Why the stigma when there are so many success stories? I agree that there are also the horror stories. Troy could tell you a couple dozen including one real life horror with a girl named Barbie.
I believe that everything in life is what you make it. There is good and bad to everything. Do we stop using the internet because it has terrible things on it or do we seek out the good? Do we not watch movies because there is such trash out there, or do we find the positive? Do we give up on love because we failed once, or do we keep searching? Do we reject online dating because of the stereotypes, or do we use it as a great tool and try to pursue what's valuable?
It's interesting how some are lucky enough to find the perfect match quickly and others have to search much longer and harder. I met Troy on only my 4th first date. I continued dating others for a while until I felt it was pointless and I realized I had who and what I wanted. On the other hand I was Troy's 115th first date. So why do some people find compatibility quickly and others don't? The answer to this is puzzling and I'm not sure we'll ever know. I'm grateful that for whatever reason I got to be one of the people to find it quickly. And I'm also grateful that Troy didn't give up after 80....or 100…or 114. :)

There is definitely a stigma that surrounds online dating but the key is to know how to use it and find the positive in it. Technology these days is amazing!!!
P.S. Troy boy and I have created a business called ConnectionZ. If you're single you most definitely want to check it out. Like it on Facebook for updates and all sorts of info. Scan this QR code to find it instantly!
P.S.S. We have a FREE class coming up about online dating. It's Thursday night, the 17th. Click on this link for more info and register to reserve your seat. http://vital2dateonline.eventbrite.com/
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