Just ask my mom how much I detested the color pink for most of my life. I thought it was the most dreadful, revolting color ever. It took me having a baby girl to decide it was the greatest color out there! (And yes, now I'm obsessed.) Hmm, that gives me an idea for a new pin board....PINK! Any who, I digress...on to Pinterest!
If there are any of you out there who don't know what this phenomenon is, let me explain. It's a virtual pin board that allows you to pin any image to it. You can have as many pin boards as you desire and as many pins as you can discover.
It's an all in one storage place for every idea you ever see, everything you ever want to do, and every idea you haven't thought up yet.
It's a place for endless inspiration whatever it might be!
As I became hooked today and started "pinning" away to my hearts content, my almost 10 yr. old daughter came in to check out what I was doing.
She was fascinated as she watched me pin books I have read. (Yes, she is a book nerd also. We can thank my dad for that!) I showed her my different boards, including my "kid" board that included crafty ideas that the kids can do.

I told her that this was something that was pretty easy and that if she wanted to do it I would help her get it started over Christmas vacation. She was ecstatic, and I'm pretty thrilled myself. We must remind ourselves however that after we pin it, we must create it, or work towards it!
I'm sure one day I may regret this after I'm overwhelmed with lists of projects from my little ones, demanding that their mom help them. When that happens I will just lock myself in my room.....and Pinterest!
You can check this virtual pin board world out at http://www.pinterest.com/, or click on the link at the top of my blog page to follow me and see what I've pinned. To create your own account you must be invited so leave me your email address if you'd like to join in on the craziness!